“Through partnership working with Hamilton Deed, supplementary health and safety audits have been completed at a number of our registered care homes. Feedback and recommendations following the audits have proved invaluable and assisted Voyage Care in continuously improving practices around all things safety, including food safety standards.”
Victoria Milner
The challenge
Meals prepared in care homes are served to some of the most vulnerable people in society. It is critical to keep track of food safety. Various standards cover all the preparation, storage and service of food as outlined by the Care Quality Commission. These include The Food Safety Act 1990, Food Safety (General Food Hygiene Regulations) 1995 and Food Safety (Temperature control) Regulations 1995.
Services provided
Hamilton Deed supported Voyage Care by carrying out regular audits designed within an agreed, bespoke framework to ensure kitchen hygiene standards were second to none.
The outcome
This pro-active approach ensured the challenges of the recent years of high staff turnover, which could lead to the slipping of hygiene standards, were easily met and overcome in order to vastly reduce the potential risks posed to the vulnerable care home residents.